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  • 73 Van der Stel street, Oakdale, Bellville
  • 021 919 8533

Become a member

Mom and child with Down syndrome

Down Syndrome Association Western Cape was the first Association in South Africa - even the National Organisation was started by us. The first meeting of Down Syndrome South Africa was hosted by DSAWC in Cape Town.

Down Syndrome Association Western Cape is a parent organisation and our members are very important to us.

Benefits of becoming a member of DSAWC:

  • We all have Down syndrome in common;
  • We can learn from you and you from us;
  • We do not have all the answers but we might know someone who does;
  • What we do know however, we will gladly share;
  • We support parents and caregivers without judging;
  • We create a safe space for parents, siblings and other family members;
  • If you are a parent who have the financial means to look after your child, we will give you the opportunity to help a less fortunate parent;
  • We are connected to other Associations in South Africa as well as other organisations who support people with intellectual disabilities;
  • If you are a member of DSAWC you can serve on the Management Committee and be an integral part of the future of Down syndrome in South Africa;.
  • We need you to invest in the lives of people with Down syndrome.

Would you like to become a member of Down Syndrome Association Western Cape?
The membership fee is R50 per person. Just download and complete the membership form, then e-mail it to us at info@dsawc.co.za together with your proof of payment.
Membership form 2017.pdf - July 2017 10:11 PM

A little bit of history – DSAWC was started in 1976 by a group of parents of children with Down syndrome. This was before cell phones, the internet and social media. Gloria Botha, a mum of a little baby girl called Cheré, asked her local clinic sister to please let her know if any other mums with a baby with Down syndrome visits the clinic. A few days later another mum, Hillette Henn, visited the clinic with her baby girl, Amanda, and the sister gave her Gloria’s number.

Hillette rushed home and immediately phoned Gloria and an hour later they were sitting face to face. They came up with a strategy to contact other clinics as well as the Tygerberg Hospital genetic department and soon they were a group of 6 mothers, getting together and just helping each other by simply being there and creating a space where you and your child was not different from the rest, but the same.

The fathers where roped in too, and in 1976 the Association was registered under the name of the Western Cape Down Syndrome Association. The building that DSAWC still uses today was bought in 1978 and paid for by the first group of parents. Leaving a wonderful legacy to those who would follow in their footsteps

DSAWC was the first Association in South Africa – even the National Organisation was started by us. The first meeting of Down Syndrome South Africa was hosted by DSAWC in Cape Town.














